Friday, 16 August 2013

A Mixed Bag.....

A bit of a quick hit......

First off, my copy of In Her Majesty's Name finally arrived. Quality is top notch with some beautiful illustrations.
With a quick thumb through the rules the games appears fast and fun! Jet and are planning to give the game a try next week. I'll have a follow up post with our thoughts from our initial findings.

Over the last week I was able to spend some time at painting table. I didn't complete as many projects as I would have liked but I did dabble in a number of them.

One of the items I was able to semi-compete were the fortified walls for the manor. These didn't take to long to paint, mostly a quick dry brush of black to white.

The doors were based with GW Scorched Brown to a dry brush of a mix with GW Bleached Bone. I plan on revisiting these walls and picking out some of the details to give them more character.

I also started in on my GW Garden of Morr kit. I obtained this kit in a trade on Bartertown and I am extremely glad I did. For the type of games we usually play these terrain pieces will get some heavy use.

The first item I started was the sketelal warrior statue. The statue itself was in two pieces and then joined to the base. With a quick bit of green stuff and some filing the item was complete.

To keep with the dark dreadful look, I did a dry brush of black to white. I will be revisiting the stature to pick out some of the details such as the skulls, dirt, vegetation, etc.

I completed the assembly of the mausoleums and painted their bases as well. But I will have a post in the future to cover the Garden and will reveal those pictures then.

As always thanks for reading,


Friday, 9 August 2013

All along the Watchtower...

I decided to change gears and work on some terrain. Specifically the Games-Workshop Warhammer Watchtower. The kit was fairly easy to put together but did require a lot sculpting and green-stuff to fill some of the gaps.

I decided to use a similar color scheme to that of GW's preference. Two others in our gaming group whom have the tower completed, went with a grey/brownish stone look. This way mine would be a good contrast.

The watchtower comes with a smaller "shed" building which I thought would be great to use as a test subject.

With the pilot out of the way, I was happy with the results and decided to move on to the main tower.

The "wall" areas were base coated with GW Vomit Brown. This was then followed by a wash of GW Gryphon Sepia. Once the wash dried, a dry brush of GW Dheneb Stone was applied. There was a lot of overlap from the dry-brushing which was cleaned up with a reapplication of GW Chaos Black.

After this was completed I dry-brushed the stone with GW Chardon Granite, followed by a light brush of Dhebed Stone.

The stone work was dry-brushed with GW Chardon Granite to GW Dhedeb Stone and the metal areas were brushed with GW Boltgun metal.

I still had a few viewable lines from my "green stuff" areas which I was wanted to hide. Being a watchtower I thought it was only fitting to add some overgrowth to the tower.

I'm not 100% sold on the look yet, and will probably revisit to to adjust. But I think its a start. Maybe a little more growth around the base and connecting up.

In other news I came across a new ruleset called "In Her Majesty's Name" which I quickly ordered.

The game takes place in the late Victorian period around 1895 with a steampunk feeling. To quote the game blog site;

"It is a world of heroism, sacrifice and betrayal.  Where the Great Powers, building upon the advances wrought by the success of Charles Babbage’s calculating engines, have advanced faster than one might have thought.  Where ownership of the latest technological marvel might just be the thing to build fortunes, destroy empires and win fair ladies.  Where a few men’s pluck and cunning can change the course of history."

Suffice to say Jet and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival to give the rules a go. With our Chaos in Carpathia collections we would have no problem building a few companies for the game.

As always thanks for reading,


Friday, 2 August 2013

Riddle me this, riddle me that...

Where has the time gone! Back in April I was gearing up for our next adventure of Delves and the rest was a blur! It is crazy how time can pass so quickly.

The month of May was engulfed with a first time family visit to Orlando, specifically Disneyland.

This was then followed by the conclusion of a three year project at work and of course, the opening of the Atlantic Salmon season. This summer season has definitely been a busy one.

Now that the whirlwind has calmed down I am able to get back to the bench from time to time. Progress has been slow, but I am making progress none the less.

One of the items I have been able to complete was another baddie for our Delves game, scheduled for the fall.

Goal System Delves at its core wreaks of classic fantasy adventure. As I have said before the game is a wonderful throw back to everyone's AD&D days. With that being said what would a classic adventure be without a riddling Sphinx.

P.s. I promise the next post will not take as long as this one.

As always thanks for reading,
